Beck finally moved back up to the top bunk again this weekend. Yeah! Must mean he's growing up (again) after six months in shared sleeping quarters in his little brother's lower bunk. Either that... or the fact that they're both grown two inches in the same time frame had something to do with it. In either case, it'll make bedtime go a little more smoothly - for Beck anyway.
A typical bedtime these days includes 1) Beck passing out in three to five minutes while 2) Caden stays up and chats with Izzy (our new kitten... blog fodder for another day... c'mon! I'm a working mom with limited time on my hands...!) or Caden reads a book (or five) or he pulls out all the Star Wars Legos (still the active obsession for both boys) or he just comes downstairs and hangs out with the 'rents and listens to the iTouch and rocks out... until Mom and Dad say, "Uncle!" and he typically, finally, agrees to go to sleep too... in OUR bed, with us... (but that's about an hour from now... Caden and Daddy are "working out" together downstairs right now... I managed to sneak away to the office while Beck sleeps peacefully in the next room!)
What prompted me to blog tonight - since I won't win any awards for "Blogger of the Year" in 2009? (Getting to the point...)
Beck decided that it was time to read the Bible again a couple of nights ago. A little background: About a year and a half ago we read a kids version: "The Eager Reader Bible - Stories to Grow on" ( I'm not eagerly promoting it... it pretty much scared the be-Jesus out of him - yes - I just said that... but maybe he just wasn't ready for it yet either...) But I thought it was important, since we don't belong to any church, that the boys still grow up knowing the stories of the Bible and understanding what religion is (if for no other reason than that they be educated about it when they enter the real world... how many fictitious books have you read with biblical themes in your life...?). So after the Eager Beaver debacle I bought a different edition - one I recognized from my childhood - "The Golden Children's Bible" - bigger, harder cover, less cartoonish.... It sat on the book shelf untouched for about... a year and a half. Until Friday night.
So Beck pulls it out (and decides it's time to sleep in his own bed again on the same night. Yeah!...). And we start with the story of "The Creation." The Golden Books version is quite a bit more detailed - but that just means they ask more and better questions, right?. Then we covered "The Garden of Eden", "The Serpent" and "Cain and Abel" (do you remember that they were the sons of Adam and they fought? Wow, brother's fight?! Okay - so with B&C at three and five - I don't let Cain and Abel kill each other (that's for Star Wars make believe)... but they do hurt each other... and boy does that bring on some more good conversation.
So, tonight God flooded the entire Earth and Noah saved one of each animal and started the world all over again. And Beck asked why? So we went back to the beginning.
God created Adam and Eve. They had babies who had babies who had babies... And Eve (that sneaky little sass) she convinced Adam to eat that forbidden fruit... which gave them too much knowledge and they were banished from the Garden of Eden and bad things started happening amongst all the people they created in the world because they didn't follow Gods simple rules... until God finally decided to put a stop to it and start over. Hence Noah's Ark.
Beck inhaled sharply and said, excitedly, getting it: "So everyone in the world is one big FAMILY?" (He totally honed in on that and not the "bad things happened to the evil people concept", whew!)
But, wow! I was so impressed with my little five year old. I have a sharp little boy on my hands! (Yes, Grandpa... I know you've been saying this all along...)
Then we get to go on to talk about how silly it is that some people fight with other people in the world, because, according to the Bible, which many people believe in... we're all brothers and sisters... aren't we? Then Beck yawned and climbed up to the top bunk...
Caden, on the other hand, just took my iPhone and is listening to the "Star Wars" soundtrack in his bed... it's only 9:45pm... At least he's in HIS bed. (For now.)

What Three Year Olds do when they SHOULD be sleeping...
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