Sunday, May 10, 2009

I don't "wuv" you anymore!

It's been a big week for Caden Sosa.

On Tuesday night, at about 9:30 (he never goes to bed before 10pm now that he's a napper again) he figured out his buttons.

He must have unbuttoned and re-buttoned his P.J.s twelve times that night.  He made sure he nailed it.  We were so proud!

Then, to make a perfect Mother's Day even more perfect, he decided to make today be the day he figured out how to say "L" instead of "W"!  (ala "I wuv you, mommy.")  Beck has been helping his little brother practice a lot lately, teaching him how to use his tongue to make the "L" sound and the like.  And this morning was the big debut.  

Caden lay in bed with us and he said, "Mommy, Mommy!  I lllllLove you."  He got it!  Beck was right, some day he'd get it.  And now my baby isn't as much of a baby anymore.

Sniff... Sniff...  See for yourself...

Oh. Oh. Oh!
Happy Mother's Day!  I'm the luckiest mommy in the world.

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