Tuesday, November 11, 2008

As the World Turns

Picture this:

Sweet little, recently turned three year old, Caden Charles Sosa is sitting properly and quietly at the dinner table, as usual (ah-hem), having just eaten his entire meal without a single complaint (ah-hem) patiently (ah-hem, ah-hem) awaiting his turn at the "Who am I" game that ensues.

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere... He pounds his little fists on his sea life place mat on either side of his big boy dinner plate, which is clear of every morsel, of course, (ah-hem) and yells: "DAMN IT!"

Alex and I look at each other with shock and amusement, and ask him what he just said again... and again he says "Damn It!" with just a little less force behind it and an “uh-oh, I might be in trouble look” to boot.

Do we laugh...(OH YES! But very quietly)?

Do we chastise him...(Yes, but not very hard)?

How do we explain to our little ape that it's not okay to say that... ?

Even if Grandpa Chuck (around whom the earth rotates) does !!?

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