Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Birdies are Sing-ing…

When my Dad was a little boy, my Grandma Lennie used to wake him and my Aunt Sheri up in the morning by singing to them:

“The birdies are sing-ing… Tweetie, tweet, tweet-tweet… Tweetie, tweet-tweet…Tweetie, tweet-tweet…!" Over and over again until they grumblingly (I imagine) agreed to get out of bed. That was long before the advent of iPhones that you could simply dock in your iHome with a different pre-set alarm for each day of the week and a different pre-programmed iTune to wake you up… and then, of course, they had to walk up hillboth ways…to their one-room schoolhouse… in ill-fitting in snowshoes…

So it’s not hard to envisage that some years later my big brother and I, too, were awakened each morning by the sound of our father singing (in and oddly high-pitched tone):

“The birdies are sing-ing… Tweetie, tweet, tweet-tweet… Tweetie, tweet-tweet…Tweetie, tweet-tweet…!" Over and over again until we sullenly (I know) agreed to get out of our bunk beds. I guess it’s sort of a family thing.

I realized this because six years ago, when I had my first child, I found myself opening his bedroom door each morning and singing (perfectly in pitch, of course):

“The birdies are sing-ing… Tweetie, tweet, tweet-tweet… Tweetie, twee-tweet…Tweetie, tweet-tweet…!" Over and over again until he opened his sweet little eyes and smiled at me. (He’s only six now so he hasn’t figured out yet that it’s really not fun to get up early in the morning… there are still too many Pokémon to be played with at this juncture in his little life.)

When Beck’s brother was born two years after him – things didn’t change much other than the fact that I was way more tired in the morning and maybe not quite as “chirper” as I used to be. I just started singing for two each morning:

“The birdies are sing-ing… Tweetie, tweet, tweet-tweet… Tweetie, tweet-tweet…Tweetie, tweet-tweet…!" And it generally got the desired results.

Until this morning…

Yo see, now-a-days we all generally go to bed in our own bunk beds but we ultimately wake up together in a big pile of arms and legs in one king sized bed in the morning. (Okay, sometimes, Mommy or Daddy wakes up on the couch in the nook if some boy or other decides to play Karate Kid in his sleep… but generally we’re a team. Mommy and Daddy aren’t complaining– we figure we’ll take what we can get now… they won’t be climbing into our bed to snuggle when they’re in high school. We hope...)

This morning, Beck came up later than usual. The iPhone had already finished its third or fourth round (but who’s counting) on the snooze “button” and Caden and I were lazing in bed avoiding the inevitable. In fact Caden was still asleep (an alarm does nothing for a four year old that went to bed too late.)

So while Beck was cuddling with him… I asked him to start singing in his brother’s ear to wake him (passing on the family tradition, you know):

“The birdies are sing-ing… Tweetie, tweet, tweet-tweet… Tweetie, tweet-tweet…Tweetie, tweet-tweet…!" He sang his little heart out. And he got nothing but a couple of groans and a thumb popped back into Cade’s mouth in response. (Bonus! No finger up the nose… not this time anyway.) So, since Beck didn’t get the response he was trying to illicit… he changed tactics… with extremely effective results:

“The birdies are toot-ing… Tootie, toot, toot-toot… Tootie, toot-toot…Tootie, toot-toot…!"

Yep, Dad. I’ve got two boys… and they’re ALL BOY.
My apologies in advance to my future grandchildren…
Thanks for the memory. I miss you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One big happy family

Beck finally moved back up to the top bunk again this weekend. Yeah!  Must mean he's growing up (again) after six months in shared sleeping quarters in his little brother's lower bunk.  Either that... or the fact that they're both grown two inches in the same time frame had something to do with it.  In either case, it'll make bedtime go a little more smoothly - for Beck anyway.

A typical bedtime these days includes 1) Beck passing out in three to five minutes while 2) Caden stays up and chats with Izzy (our new kitten... blog fodder for another day... c'mon! I'm a working mom with limited time on my hands...!) or Caden reads a book (or five) or he pulls out all the Star Wars Legos (still the active obsession for both boys) or he just comes downstairs and hangs out with the 'rents and listens to the iTouch and rocks out... until Mom and Dad say, "Uncle!" and he typically, finally, agrees to go to sleep too... in OUR bed, with us...  (but that's about an hour from now... Caden and Daddy are "working out" together downstairs right now... I managed to sneak away to the office while Beck sleeps peacefully in the next room!)

What prompted me to blog tonight - since I won't win any awards for "Blogger of the Year" in 2009?  (Getting to the point...)
Beck decided that it was time to read the Bible again a couple of nights ago.  A little background: About a year and a half ago we read a kids version: "The Eager Reader Bible - Stories to Grow on"  ( I'm not eagerly promoting it... it pretty much scared the be-Jesus out of him - yes - I just said that... but maybe he just wasn't ready for it yet either...)  But I thought it was important, since we don't belong to any church, that the boys still grow up knowing the stories of the Bible and understanding what religion is (if for no other reason than that they be educated about it when they enter the real world... how many fictitious books have you read with biblical themes in your life...?).  So after the Eager Beaver debacle I bought a different edition - one I recognized from my childhood - "The Golden Children's Bible"  - bigger, harder cover, less cartoonish....  It sat on the book shelf untouched for about... a year and a half.  Until Friday night.

So Beck pulls it out (and decides it's time to sleep in his own bed again on the same night. Yeah!...).  And we start with the story of "The Creation."  The Golden Books version is quite a bit more detailed - but that just means they ask more and better questions, right?.  Then we covered "The Garden of Eden", "The Serpent" and "Cain and Abel" (do you remember that they were the sons of Adam and they fought?  Wow, brother's fight?!  Okay - so with B&C at three and five  - I don't let Cain and Abel kill each other (that's for Star Wars make believe)... but they do hurt each other...  and boy does that bring on some more good conversation.  

So, tonight God flooded the entire Earth and Noah saved one of each animal and started the world all over again.  And Beck asked why?  So we went back to the beginning.  
God created Adam and Eve.  They had babies who had babies who had babies...  And Eve (that sneaky little sass) she convinced Adam to eat that forbidden fruit... which gave them too much knowledge and they were banished from the Garden of Eden and bad things started happening amongst all the people they created in the world because they didn't follow Gods simple rules... until God finally decided to put a stop to it and start over.  Hence Noah's Ark.

Beck inhaled sharply and said, excitedly, getting it:  "So everyone in the world is one big FAMILY?"  (He totally honed in on that and not the "bad things happened to the evil people concept", whew!)

But, wow!  I was so impressed with my little five year old.  I have a sharp little boy on my hands! (Yes, Grandpa... I know you've been saying this all along...)  

Then we get to go on to talk about how silly it is that some people fight with other people in the world, because, according to the Bible, which many people believe in... we're all brothers and sisters... aren't we?  Then Beck yawned and climbed up to the top bunk...

Caden, on the other hand, just took my iPhone and is listening to the "Star Wars" soundtrack in his bed... it's only 9:45pm... At least he's in HIS bed. (For now.)

What Three Year Olds do when they SHOULD be sleeping...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I don't "wuv" you anymore!

It's been a big week for Caden Sosa.

On Tuesday night, at about 9:30 (he never goes to bed before 10pm now that he's a napper again) he figured out his buttons.

He must have unbuttoned and re-buttoned his P.J.s twelve times that night.  He made sure he nailed it.  We were so proud!

Then, to make a perfect Mother's Day even more perfect, he decided to make today be the day he figured out how to say "L" instead of "W"!  (ala "I wuv you, mommy.")  Beck has been helping his little brother practice a lot lately, teaching him how to use his tongue to make the "L" sound and the like.  And this morning was the big debut.  

Caden lay in bed with us and he said, "Mommy, Mommy!  I lllllLove you."  He got it!  Beck was right, some day he'd get it.  And now my baby isn't as much of a baby anymore.

Sniff... Sniff...  See for yourself...

Oh. Oh. Oh!
Happy Mother's Day!  I'm the luckiest mommy in the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Easter Bunny's Last Stand

Easter was two days ago... yet somehow it never left my living room.

I can't. My Back Hurts.

Ok. I know. I've been remiss with the blog. But I've got good excuses... ok. Maybe not that good... But at least this is something!

So, I've been struggling with some back pain lately. Lately being since about the time Caden was born three years ago. I ignored it because it was intermittent for a long time, a long time being about three years - give or take. Then it took a turn for the worse after the holidays this year. So to make a long story short(er)... I started physical therapy a couple of months ago (see... who has time for a blog too!?)

During all of this the boys have been hearing a lot of, "Mommy can't do that because it will hurt her back" and "No! No! don't hang from Mommy's neck like a Monkey! Mommy's back! Mommy's back!" and "Don't step on the cracks or you'll break you mama's back!"

You get the idea.

Tonight, as I was lying (gingerly) on the bedroom floor with Beck playing a little board game (or more to the point, getting my bum kicked at a little board game), I heard this conversation take place in the kitchen between Caden and Alex:

Cade: "Daddy, will you pway storm twoopers and Cody wif me?"
(Star Wars references from Caden who is playing with action figures placidly at the counter while daddy cleans up from dinner...bless him!)

Alex: "No, sorry Caden, I have to finish cleaning up the dinner dishes... But YOU can help me if you want too!"

Cade: "Uh. No. Daddy. I can't. My back Hu-wurts"

I laughed so hard I nearly broke my back!

(Sorry. No time for pictures - but the boys are just as cute as always these days!)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Special Friends and Grandparents Day at School

Nana and Grandpa Coskran came to school on Friday to visit Beck and Caden's classrooms. Each year the students open their classrooms to their special guests and enjoy a snack with them and share their work with them.

Nana was specially invited to read the editorial she wrote for the Star Tribune in January. Beck recited "A Time to Rise" to everyone when she was done with her reading.

Both boys were really proud to have their Nana take center stage at circle time.

The other grandparents and special friends really liked Great Grandma Betty's idea too!

Forever indebted to George Lucas

It's all Star Wars, all the time at our house these days.

I thought the Toy Story obsession was adorable... Then came Cars. I thought I'd never see anything so adorable as my two boys playing "Cars with eyes" for hours on end. But I've been proven wrong (again...). The Star Wars obsession is the best yet! I will forever be indebted to George Lucas for the memories!

Star Wars Galactic Battle, By Beck Sosa, Age 5

C3P0 and R2D2 under the Purple Death Star, By Beck Sosa, Age 5

Darth Vader of The Dark Side, The Artist

Light Saber fights are a pretty regular occurrence at our house these days. It's tricky business, this light saber fighting and war stuff. Explaining why it's O.K. to fight with light sabers (compare it to Olympic sword fighting?) and why it's O.K. to shoot each other with laser guns ('cause they're fake and Star Wars is just for pretend) even though that stuff is never O.K. in real life...

Star Wars is turning out to be a great lesson in understanding what it really means to be a good guy or a bad guy and what it means to be good or evil. It's WAY easier to drive these concepts home when there's a light saber involved! And, believe it or not, they actually find it much less frightening than reading stories of the same concepts from the children's Bible. It's hard to re-enact Cain and Abel without throwing rocks at your brothers head (and mommy won't let you do that for real or pretend!)
Check out this video clip:

Luke Skywalker and "Dark" Vader battle to the end.

Author's Note: Even Star Wars guys die with their tongues hanging out!

Just want to put it on "paper"

These words actually came out of Beck's mouth at breakfast this morning:
"Mommy! I REALLY like EVERYTHING we're having for breakfast this morning!"
Just wanted to write it down. I may never hear those words again...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Don't worry about the Apocalypse - Beck Will Reconstruct the World!

Beck has loved puzzles since his late Twos. But he shocked us all and took his love of puzzling to new heights at school recently. Ms. Rita had a picture taken of him with his masterpiece during the afternoon work session. (Beck attends Step By Step Montessori in Edina.)

Beck spent well over two hours, deep in concentration, constructing individual wooden puzzles of all the continents. But what was so amazing is how he took it a step further and pieced the completed continent puzzles together in their prehistoric form before continental drift pulled them apart!
Needless to say, mom and dad are pretty proud!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Empire Strikes Dad (too)...

Beck dumped out all the money in his piggy bank last weekend and spent every last (time- consumingly counted) dime online ordering Star Wars costumes...

Monday, February 2, 2009

This ones for you Miss Bwooke...

My mommy may not be very hip anymore...

(My brother and I sort of cramped her style).

But I AM! Check me out!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Caden's first self portrait

Caden doesn't like the fact that he painted himself wearing a headband. But mom is pretty proud!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Luuuuuuuuke... I'm your Father!

See for yourself. Click PLAY.

The first official "friend" sleepover

Cousin Olivia had a sleepover with Beck and Caden last night at our house. The mommy's and daddy's went to the Loffler Companies Holiday Party at the Metropolitan while Aunti Sheri and Cousin Viki presided over the ruckus.

It was great to FINALLY have a volunteer to help me out in the kitchen! Livi helped make pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Then everyone played hard to work it all off.

Cousin Livi (a.k.a. Buzz Lightyear-Fireman-Pirate-on-Lightening-McQueen) and the boys played Ninjas and Star Wars. Despite the costume to the contrary, Liv insisted she was Yoda.

And then Livi honored us with a little ditty she calls "The Train" on the harmonica. She must get it from her daddy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nana's gonna go broke

The amazing thing is... Beck can't really READ the poem yet (he IS still in preschool)... but he figured out that if he counts the number of lines in the book and then follows them as he recites it... he won't miss any of them.

Ca-ching! $ $ $

(Caden, in the background of the video, thinks Beck's performance is "excellent" too!)

Out of the mouth of Cade

We were watching American Idol as a family on Friday night...
I must have been singing along...
Caden swung around and said to me:

"Sing it in you'we head mommy!"

What does he know!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's not ALWAYS about B and C (despite the title of the blog...)

So, we (A & D) decided that it was high time we got out more - alone. In December we decided to institute "Date Night" every other Tuesday night. We lined up sitters through March 2009 and headed out the door. Something we probably haven't done, together, sans kids, after 7pm on a weeknight in, let's see... how old is Beck now... FIVE years!

We've decided to leave it up to UrbanSpoon to decide where we go every other Tuesday night. (If we didn't, I'd likely keep us going to Salut and Broders Pasta Bar every chance I got!)

So we shook my (super-cool-new-can't-live-without-it) iPhone and UrbanSpoon landed us at:

Victor's 1959 Cafe at 37th and Grand Ave S. Cuban food. And Perfectly located! Still right within my coveted five mile radius!

Of course, my fancy new iPhone has a built in camera... Which... of course, we didn't use since it doesn't have a flash... (or video... okay, so it's not perfect. But even so, I still can't live without it). And we took these photos to share our newest dining experience with the always trusty (and pocket sized) Canon PowerShot (that Alex conveniently had in his coat pocket).

It started out like any other night out. A bottle of (cheap - but quite good) house wine. We had the Yuca Frita ANTOJITOS (an appetizer where the yuca is steamed, then fried, and served with a special garlic & lime juice mojo with lightly sautéed onions.) It was a little bland - but the mojo helped.

And the games began...

And kept going... and going... and going... (remember, this is a school night and we're not used to this whole being-out-after-7pm-on-an-empty-stomach-after-work-thing!)

Fortunately dinner arrived. Alex had some Cuban thingy with Shrimp (3 stars). And I had "old clothes" (4 stars). Who knew someone's old clothes could be so tasty! (I also had it for lunch the next day and was sad when it was finally all gone...) I'd rave more about the food... but I generally get bored reading food reviews myself, so I won't subject you to my writing about it. Your welcome.

Then the games continued...

And we debated about what to do for POSTRES (dessert). Go somewhere else? (What the ??? - no way! It was well below zero outside!) We finally settled (quite easily) on the Xango!Chango! (rich smooth cheesecake with a slightly tangy finish, rolled in a melt-in-your-mouth flaky pastry, tossed in a sugar and cinnamon blend, then served on a fresh guava puree) and a couple of Café con leches.

Oh... wow! Was that the smartest thing we did all night. (Since it looks like the cheap red wine probably wasn't...) It's worth it to go to Victor's for the Xango!Chango! alone!

And then of course, we did what every other patron that has ever visited Victor's 1959 Cafe has done... we wrote our name on the booth. Well, actually, we carved our name in it... the wood was so old that the ball point pen (given to us by the waitress... we're not complete hoodlums!) was sharp enough to actually cut through it!

All in all - Victor's was a roaring success and we'd go back in a heartbeat. I'm sure Minneapolis/St. Paul magazine will be knocking down my door for permission to reference my blog in their next review!

But more importantly, DATE NIGHT was a blast. Why didn't we think of it sooner?!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Caden has 20 teeth. Yep. They're officially counted!

Caden made his first trip to the dentist today. He was an excellent patient and didn't complain one bit when Mr. Thirsty sucked all the water out of his mouth and made him gag.

He told Dr. Nelson (a.k.a. Doogie Howser) that he is a Pirate with yellow teeth and that "pi-wits" don't "bwush" their teeth! (Unless their mommies make them...)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beck is Famous today!

At least, in the Twin Cities.

His Nana's guest editorial was published in the West Metro section of the Star Tribune today. Beck is a central figure in her article. We'll probably be reading the article at bedtime tonight instead of memorizing any new poetry (sorry Nana!)

(by Kathy Coskran)

Word Cloud courtesy of http://www.wordle.net/

I’m paying my grandchildren to memorize poetry. My mother did it, paid my brother and me a dime for “Grass,” a quarter for “O Captain, My Captain,” thirty-five cents for “Sea Fever.” It was the fifties, we were on winter break, driving from Georgia to California, five days each way, and missing a week of school. It was educational she said and the money we earned would be our vacation spending money. It was also a strategy to keep us from arguing over who crossed the imaginary line in the back seat of the car. We made it to Los Angeles and back in relative peace and with sufficient funds for cheap souvenirs, so it worked. My mother was a practical woman, but she also loved language; she knew what she was doing. I don’t remember what I bought with those dimes and quarters, but I still have the poetry. Fifty years later, I can close my eyes and the words come rising in my throat.

Which is why I am now paying my grandchildren to memorize poetry. Like my mother, I too believe in the power of language to soothe and to heal; to inspire and to calm. Poetry is to be spoken aloud, learned by heart; a poem spoken in the music of your own voice becomes a part of you, and if you learn it when you are young, you will have it forever.

At Thanksgiving this year, I gave each child a book of poetry, told them the story of my mother’s payment plan, recited de Regniers’ “Keep a Poem in Your Pocket” (“…and a picture in your head/and you’ll never feel lonely/at night when you’re in bed”) and promised to pay up whenever they learned a new poem.

That was on Thursday. Friday morning Beck who is 5 appeared at his parents’ bedside to recite Stevenson’s “Birdie with a Yellow Bill.” They had read it to him the night before and he had taken de Regniers’ advice to heart. Beck often has trouble sleeping and knows what it is to feel lonely at night when he’s in bed, so he said the poem to himself, over and over, until he fell asleep.

At 5 Beck discovered what poets and mystics have known for centuries: be present to the moment, give yourself over to the rhythm and mystery of your own voice, lose yourself in the hum of the words, and you will find that quiet place within. The little poem was a mantra for him, a chant, a meditation. The rhythmic combination of sound and sense slowed his fluttering heart and lulled him to sleep. He ran to tell his parents because he had just discovered that the most fundamental gift of our species, language, has the power to communicate inwards as well as outwards.

I gave him a dollar (2008 rates) and I’ve made several payments to my other grandchildren, ages 3 to 13, but they seem more interested in “the little poem [that] sings to you” than the money earned. At Christmas we heard “Jabberwocky, “ “Tyger, Tyger,” “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening,” The Man That Wasn’t There” and, of course, “A Birdie with a Yellow Bill.” Nobody asked how much their poem was worth, because they already knew. Money may have been the carrot, but it is love that keeps “a poem in your pocket and a picture in your head.”

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Picasso in the HOUSE!

Our little Picasso was at it again this morning. (Still in his PJ's... a common theme at our house over the last few weeks).
As Caden was painting this canvas, he took a few moments from his work to tell us the story of his creation...

"Rain is coming down on the man. But the sun is melting with the snow. The man might be under the rain. Brown is for the stem of the tree. It is nighttime in the purple sky. And then it is morning time again."

Friday, January 2, 2009

Whose yer daddy?

"Hey BE-ECK! Wanna pwetend your da Daddy and I'm da Baby?"

How about YOU'RE the Baby and I'M the Daddy!"

Oh No! The Gazelles!

Beck's Space Ship

A Dozen Gazelles Jump into Hot Lava!
By Beck Sosa (Age 5)

I asked Beck the other day what he thought he was REALLY good at. He said: "Drawing". I'd agree.

Then I asked him what he thought he wasn't very good at. He had a hard time thinking of anything for a while. Then he said: "Taking my medicine." I'd agree with that one too!

There's been a LOT of the pink stuff in our house lately... which leads to lots of time at home drawing and playing trains and cars and playdough...

Did you know that Gazelles like to jump into water but then they find out it's hot lava instead! And they all die?! Not very smart those Gazelles!