It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Last month, Beck made an emergency landing at the Tria Acute Injury Care Center (if you ever have a broken bone - go directly there. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.) We got lucky that time; Beck had just sprained his finger. A little bit of tape for a few days and he was good as new.
But get this - you get a REALLY cool goody bag at Tria. Something Caden took envious note of when Beck came home from that visit.
Fast forward to yesterday afternoon.
Cade "jumped" to the bottom of the steps (I'm told he was only on the second from the bottom, but I'm skeptical since there were no actual witnesses other than his duplicitous six year old brother...) and, of course, he landed wrong. Nanny took good care of him, iced it and hugged him up. But it looked like he was growing an egg on the top of his foot by nightfall.
So like any good parent, I had him pop some Ibuprofen and we all went to bed.

Well, I can't tell you how excited Caden was when he found out he was going to go to Tria himself in the morning. He went to sleep with visions of that goody bag dancing in his head all night long.
Either that, or he was just really excited that he wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow as evidenced they the note he wrote at bedtime:
{Begin Translation} Dear Ms. Brooke,
I am deciding that I will not go to school tomorrow. I broke my foot so I could have a stay at home day.
Yours truly, Caben. {End Translation}
When we finally got to Tria he was the patient-est patient there ever was. Not a single complaint. He was super proud to be there just like his big brother did before him.
He didn't want to take his sock off when asked because Beck didn't take his off when he was there! The doctor and I thought that made total sense... so after some ingenius reasoning (with a four year old) we resorted to what amounted to bribery... He finally relented when he heard that he'd get to have a picture of his foot taken and see what his own skeleton looked like! Now that was cool.
Oh. And then there was also the ride in the wheel chair...

When he got his cast on he declared:
"It's Darth Vader's mechanical foot!"
(He chose black for a reason!)
Apparently Lord Vader and Luke Skywalker had gotten into it with their light sabers yesterday and Luke finally beat his dad at his own game!
One fractured metacarpel, one really cool goody bag and a couple of weeks in a cast. All in a days work for Darth Vader.