Ok. I know. I've been remiss with the blog. But I've got good excuses... ok. Maybe not that good... But at least this is something!
So, I've been struggling with some back pain lately. Lately being since about the time Caden was born three years ago. I ignored it because it was intermittent for a long time, a long time being about three years - give or take. Then it took a turn for the worse after the holidays this year. So to make a long story short(er)... I started physical therapy a couple of months ago (see... who has time for a blog too!?)
During all of this the boys have been hearing a lot of, "Mommy can't do that because it will hurt her back" and "No! No! don't hang from Mommy's neck like a Monkey! Mommy's back! Mommy's back!" and "Don't step on the cracks or you'll break you mama's back!"
You get the idea.
Tonight, as I was lying (gingerly) on the bedroom floor with Beck playing a little board game (or more to the point, getting my bum kicked at a little board game), I heard this conversation take place in the kitchen between Caden and Alex:
Cade: "Daddy, will you pway storm twoopers and Cody wif me?"
(Star Wars references from Caden who is playing with action figures placidly at the counter while daddy cleans up from dinner...bless him!)
Alex: "No, sorry Caden, I have to finish cleaning up the dinner dishes... But
YOU can help me if you want too!"
Cade: "Uh. No. Daddy. I can't. My back Hu-wurts"
I laughed so hard I nearly broke my back!
(Sorry. No time for pictures - but the boys are just as cute as always these days!)